Only System Administrators have access to the General Settings section. This area allows administrators to configure system details that support users, integrations, and additional client-related information.
To edit settings, the administrator must click “Edit Settings” from the ellipsis (⋮) menu, which enables all fields for editing. Once the necessary changes have been made, the administrator should click “Save” to apply the updates or “Discard” to cancel the changes.
The admin organisation abbreviation setting determines the subdomain of the installation. If a change is required, the administrator must contact support, as this cannot be modified within the system.
Admin support email
The Admin Support Email appears within the “Contact Support” link on the login page. Users who need assistance can use this email to contact the administering organisation for support.
Standard users are encouraged to contact their admin organisation for help and guidance when using the system. If the administrators cannot resolve an issue or if it involves a system bug, they should escalate the matter to support.
Due to the various configurations and customisations in the system, the System Administrator is best placed to provide guidance as the data controller for their specific installation. Additionally, because of the sensitive nature of the data, Viitata employees will only access a client’s system as a last resort. All logins to the system are recorded for security purposes.
Privacy policy link
As the data controllers, the administering organisation must provide a link to their Privacy Policy. This link is displayed to all users in the terms section when completing the consent section of a new referral.
The system includes several integrations, allowing the administering organisation to extend system functionality.
Google Tag Manager
Administrators can integrate Google Tag Manager into their system by pasting their GTM-000000 code into the designated field.
If administrators choose to use Google Tag Manager, they must ensure that all necessary use cases are outlined in their Privacy Policy.
Tawk Live Chat
System administrators can integrate the Tawk Live Chat widget into the system by entering their Tawk Property ID into the relevant field.
Client info
The administering organisation can customise the client details captured and displayed within the system by enabling or disabling specific fields. This allows flexibility in data collection while ensuring that relevant client information is available when needed.
Show GP details
Enabling this setting adds an optional text area field when creating or editing client records, allowing users to input General Practitioner (GP) details.
- If the setting is disabled, the GP details are hidden from users but remain stored in the system.
- This ensures that the data can be restored instantly if the administrator decides to re-enable the field in the future.
Show NHS details
Enabling this setting adds an optional text input field when creating or editing client records, allowing users to enter the client’s NHS number.
This allows the data to be restored instantly if the administrator decides to re-enable the field later.
If the setting is disabled, the NHS details are hidden but still retained in the system.